An Attitude of Gratitude

The holidays are upon us and now is a great time to remind ourselves to slow down, take time, be thankful for family and friends, and be grateful for all that we have. Studies show that people [...]


7 Ways to Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I decorate the house, wear a costume to work, and sit outside to give candy to the neighborhood kids. It’s so fun seeing the adorable and [...]


Your Baby’s First Few Weeks

Your baby’s first few weeks of life are a whirlwind. I previously wrote about what to expect in the first few days after birth in hopes that new parents will feel more confident about bringing [...]


Diaper Rash Basics

If there is one thing all parents can agree on, it’s that babies go through a lot of diapers. Newborns will have 8-10 wet diapers per day and breastfed babies will have a poop with just about [...]


8 Things to Know for Starting Solids

Every 4 month well child check includes the same conversation; when is it time to start solid foods? There is no one answer to this question and the answers, at least some of them, have changed [...]


To Tamiflu or not to Tamiflu

During cold and flu season, there are several medical treatments that are hotly contested. Most commonly, it is whether or not to get a flu vaccine. A close second is whether or not to give [...]

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