An Attitude of Gratitude

The holidays are upon us and now is a great time to remind ourselves to slow down, take time, be thankful for family and friends, and be grateful for all that we have. Studies show that people [...]


7 Ways to Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I decorate the house, wear a costume to work, and sit outside to give candy to the neighborhood kids. It’s so fun seeing the adorable and [...]


New Year’s Resolutions 2018

As the year comes to a close, I am thinking about the year behind and the new year ahead.  Likewise, as many of us do, I am resolving to make changes in the New Year.  I have come up with a few [...]


Kids, food and kitchen safety

At holiday time, and year round, children love to participate in preparing big meals. It’s a wonderful time to teach your children about the traditional foods your family enjoys and pass-on [...]


Doctors and oversharing

In medical school, young budding doctors are typically taught not to share personal information with their patients.  Doctors should be neutral professionals so that their patients feel [...]


Make time for family

Whether you’re a new or seasoned parent, I’m sure you can agree that having a baby changes everything.  There is nothing harder, more rewarding, and more important than being a parent, and once [...]


Parenting is hard

Parenting is hard.  Really hard.  We can follow all of the expert advice, be the best parent we think we can be and still we may end up with a child that has their own agenda.  Children come with [...]

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