Cough, kids and when to worry

If you look down my schedule in the winter time, the most common complaints you will see are fever and cough. I have already addressed fever, so now it’s time to address coughs. So many things [...]


Kids and heat

Last week the phrase heat dome entered our vernacular.  Along with the extreme heat we are feeling in my hometown of San Diego, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) has issued [...]


FAQ – The Fever Issue

Fever phobia is alive and well.  Nothing sends a family to the ER at 2 in the morning like a high fever.  So what is a fever and when do parents need to worry?  Keep in mind that a fever is [...]


Getting Feverish Over Fevers

This time of year, it feels like all I do is talk about fevers. There are a ton of misconceptions about fevers (temperatures of 100.5°  F, 38 C, or higher) that cause anxiety, leading to [...]
