Why does your doctor run behind?

We’ve all been there, waiting for the doctor even after showing up on time for our appointment.  It’s even worse when you are waiting with cranky kids.  So what is your doctor is doing anyway? [...]


FAQ – The Fever Issue

Fever phobia is alive and well.  Nothing sends a family to the ER at 2 in the morning like a high fever.  So what is a fever and when do parents need to worry?  Keep in mind that a fever is [...]



The other day I was in a patient room making small talk with a 7 year-old, and I asked him, “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” He quickly replied, “An inventor!” This of course led me to [...]


Summer Time is Sunscreen Time!

Summer is here and with summer comes lots of warm weather, sun, and outdoor fun. So here’s my friendly doctor mom reminder about sun protection. Most parents remember to put sunscreen on their [...]

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