Winter skin

Winter is coming!  As if cold weather and runny noses aren’t bad enough, winter brings dry, cracked and itchy skin.  It’s only November and my hands have aged 40 years!  This is a problem that I [...]


The bright side of medicine

Every weekday during lunch time, I scurry out of my clinic and head towards the doctor’s lounge because the food is free (even though most of the time I am not sure what it is)! But more [...]


Time to potty train?

So you think it’s time to potty train, but you’re unsure how to begin. I believe you throw away the old concept of potty training, as in “he/she has been working on it for the past 3-4 months,” [...]


FAQ – The Flu Shot Issue

Every fall we are faced with the same question: To get the flu shot or not to get the flu shot? There are so many myths surrounding the influenza vaccine that many people grapple with this [...]

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