Making Healthy Eating Fun, Part 2

The mommy blogger event is fast approaching. I am in the midst of preparing a talk on picky eating and thought I would share a few tidbits along with this week’s recipe. Check back after the [...]


The Importance of Primary Care

One night while on call, I was sitting in a loud downtown restaurant when I received a phone call from the hospital. I didn’t think I’d be able to hear the call, and so I scurried around to [...]


Making healthy food fun!

Later this month I will be hosting an event just for “mommy bloggers” to talk all things nutrition.  Starting your kids off with healthy food not only helps them grow big and strong but teaches [...]


Quit Being Such a Bully

“I want to hurt myself.” That was the only thing written on an otherwise blank page. The other day, the mother of a bright 2nd grader, showed me that alarming note.  Apparently the boy wrote it [...]
