Just a virus

I was looking at the website of a charity that helps hospitals and emergency rooms acquire much-needed pediatric-specific emergency equipment. While on the charity’s website I read through some [...]


The Dreaded Ear Infection

As a pediatrician, I am frequently seeing kids who come in with a variety of complaints “just to make sure they don’t have an ear infection”.  They may be waking at night, pulling on their ears, [...]


Keeping baby safe

There are so many things to know when you have a new baby that it can be pretty overwhelming.  I frequently joke with new parents that all they need to do is feed the baby and change his/her [...]


Doctors and oversharing

In medical school, young budding doctors are typically taught not to share personal information with their patients.  Doctors should be neutral professionals so that their patients feel [...]


Back to school, back to routine…

Soon to be gone are the lazy, relaxed days of summer.  With summer coming to an end, it’s time to get back to some structure and routine and the best way to start the school year off right is [...]


Kids and heat

Last week the phrase heat dome entered our vernacular.  Along with the extreme heat we are feeling in my hometown of San Diego, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) has issued [...]


Swimmer’s Ear 101

In the heat of the summer, there’s no better way to cool off than jumping in the pool!  Kids of all ages love to swim, but  make sure they are properly supervised, wearing sunscreen, wearing an [...]


The low down on sunscreen

Happy summer!  School is either out, or just about to be out, and the kids are ready for fun in the sun.  Last year I wrote about overall summer safety so for this post I’m going to focus [...]


Healthy Summer Habits

Click here to watch Dr. Friedman & Deborah Stalling Stumm of Super Moms 360 on KUSI Morning News School is almost out and summer is almost here!  No more teachers, no more books etc… This is [...]

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